Beaver Street, in Waltham, Massachusetts

Beaver Street begins at Lexington Street, and continues east to DeVincent Circle, at which point it connects with Lyman Street. It proceeds eastward past the entrance to the Paine Estate, past Forest Street and the ever-expanding Bentley University. DeVincent Farm used to be on the right, before the UMass Field Station, with the Girl Scouts Cedar Hill Camp across the road. The street ends after it crosses the Beaver Brook, and then the railroad tracks, at Warren Street. Beavers were once plentiful on the adjoining watercourses, Chester Brook, Lyman Pond, and Beaver Brook.Much of the open space left in Waltham is in the vicinity of this street.

This view is looking west from the parking lot of Dean Dairy.

The view from DeVincent Circle, heading towards Bentley College, with the entrance toStonehurst on the left.

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