Photographs of Prospect Hill Park, Waltham, MA

October 1998

Some people call this Balancing Rock. This is one of many rocks left behind with the retreat of the glacier that had covered the area until about 85,000 - 11,000 years ago

A view from the top. First mentioned in 1669, this 482-foot hill is the second highest in the Metropolitan Boston area. At the instigation of Charles Eliot, a 250-acre park was set aside for public pleasure in 1893.

The military antennas were dismantled
in the 90's. The tower is now used as the Waltham Amateur Radio Association's repeater site.

The former ski slope. The ski slopes were open from 1949 to 1987. The area reopened briefly in 1989–90 and has been closed since.


More foliage.

October 2001

The southern entrance from Prospect Hill Road.

An old stone wall marks the border between the southern part of the park and Polaroid's Berry Farm parcel.

A scenic walk through the woods.

Stone steps provide access to the steeper terrain of the park.

Vistas from Prospect Hill

1960's - Late 1980's (New England Lost Ski Areas Project)

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Contact Scott Shurr atsshurr@gmail.comUpdated: 10 May 2024

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